About Us

AMACOM, the book publishing division of the American Management Association, publishes books that help readers enhance their personal and professional growth and reach in to the future to understand emerging trends and cutting edge thinking. We publish non-fiction books on business, management, career growth, marketing, customer service, human resources, training, sales, technology, personal finance, parenting, health, personal development, popular psychology, and education.

Blog Contributors:
Irene Majuk, publicity director [find out more here]
Janine Barlow, Sales and Marketing Assistant

Former Blog Contributors:
Nick Kinni, publicity intern (2009) [find out more here]
Lauren Johnson, publicity intern (2010)
Alice Northover, publicist (2008-2012) [find out more here]
Christopher Rodriguez, publicity intern (2010)
Kama Timbrell, publicity & social media manager (2008-2014) [find out more here]
Elizabeth Willse, publicist (2012-2014) [find out more here]